The contact listing ID is the unique identifier you can provide for a contact listing.
You can send this information to Ometria via API as a a json object on a contact record, or as a row in a CSV file. It should be unique per contact.
Some retailers find the contact listing ID useful when searching for a specific record update, e.g. if you uploaded a listing via CSV today for, and then updated the same record tomorrow via API using a different comtact listing ID, you can identify the different updates and call specific listings using GET contacts via API if needed.
Note: Contact listing ID is not the same as a customer ID, as customer IDs are unique to the customer and listing IDs only refer to the listing. A profile might have lots of contact listings (with multiple contact listing IDs), but only one customer ID.
See also:
- More information on contact listings in our API documentation
- CSV Upload
- Customer IDs in Ometria
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