Here's some tips on searching for articles in our Help Centre:
Find multiple words
Use double quotes (") around each word to find content that contains all those words.
E.g., "article" "title" "section" "author"
retrieves content that contains all four words, in any order.
- Make sure you put spaces between the search words, otherwise the search handles the text as one string
- You'll still get hits if there is a stemmed version of a word (e.g. articles)
'article' 'title' 'section' 'author'
, you'll see hits for all content that contains any of the words title or article or section or author, exactly as if you had searched without the single quotes.Find a phrase
Use double quotes (") around a phrase to find content that contains all the words in that phrase.
E.g. "broadcast campaign"
retrieves articles using that phrase.
- You'll get hits if there is a stemmed version of the word (e.g. broadcast campaigns)
- You won't get hits where content contains only the word campaign
Exclude results containing certain words
Use the minus operator (-) in front of the search term to find every article that doesn't include that word or phrase.
E.g. reporting bugs -support
returns articles containing the words reporting and bugs, but excludes those that contain the word support.
Advanced search
You can combine the operands above ("" and -) to find a very specific set of results.
E.g. "reporting bugs" -support
returns hits for content that contains both the words reporting and bugs, but does not contain the word support.
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