It’s easy to quickly export the contacts in an Ometria segment.
You can export to a CSV file, or to XLSX (optimised for Excel).
Go to Customer > Segment explorer, and select the Contacts tab.
Export steps
You can choose a saved segment from the Showing data for drop-down menu:
You can also export 'All contacts', or use the Customer filter to further filter your contacts (either in a specific segment, or all contacts):
In this example we’re exporting contacts that:
- Have placed orders since 1st January 2020, AND
- Have visited the website via a recent campaign (‘moose campaign’).
You can see how many contacts you’ll be exporting to the right of the filter, as well as the percentage of your total database this represents.
In the example above, we’ve filtered 2118 contacts, which represents 0.28% of the total number of contacts in this account.
Once you’re happy with your segment and/or filters, click Export.
The Export report pop up displays.
Enter a name for your report (if you like) and select the format, then select Export.
Your export begins generating. The time this takes depends on the number of contacts in the segment.
Remember that the download limit is 1 million rows - speak to your Customer Success Representative for help if required.
Once your export is complete and ready for download, a bell icon displays by the Exports menu:
Select the drop-down to access your exports and download:
You can now use the exported data in Excel or Google sheets:
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