It's unusual for two different reporting sources have the same attribution logic, and because of this they often report different revenue, numbers of orders and visits.
Attributed revenue in Ometria can differ up to 15-20% from revenue reported by Google Analytics (GA), mainly because the two tools count visits in different ways.
See also: Why are my Ometria revenue figures different from Google Analytics?
Comparing your attribution
Find out how Google Analytics is attributing your orders compared with Ometria by via the Orders report.
Select Filter orders and set up your filter like this:
- Order was placed from broadcast campaign - which is - [select the relevant campaign]
- Visit UTM Medium - which is not - email
Apply the filter and check the columns Visit medium and Attribution:
The Visit medium column displays the channels Google Analytics has likely attributed the revenue to.
The Attribution column is the channel Ometria has attributed the revenue to (the broadcast campaign you selected).
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