As well as Entry wait nodes, you can set a wait node after your segments or other actions in your automation flow.
Select the Add Wait clock icon for a wait node:
Then define your wait type:
- Wait a specific duration - e.g. 30 minutes, 2 days, 6 weeks, etc.
- Wait for a specified time/day - e.g. next Sunday at 11.30am
If a wait node is placed after an email action, this is the length of time the contact stays in the flow after being sent the email (or other action).
For this reason, wait nodes following actions are also a useful way to 'hold' contacts in certain campaigns, e.g. for 24 hours, before they can enter another, helping to space out your sends.
See: Mutual exclusivity
Recipient's timezone vs. account timezone
When you choose to wait for a specified time/day, you can choose to apply the wait in your account timezone or in the recipient's timezone.
This is useful if you're scheduling a campaign to send at a specific time.
Deleting a wait node from an active campaign
If you campaign is active (i.e. contacts are entering it and moving through the flow) and you delete a wait node, contacts who were already in the wait node will continue to wait out that time, then continue to the next node.
This happens whether or not you've saved the campaign as a new version.
Wait nodes in segment membership campaigns
There is a limit of 90 days for the cumulative total of all wait nodes in your campaign when you use the changed segment membership entry trigger.
This total includes the time defined in your entry wait.
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