Before you begin, make sure overlays are enabled for your account.
See: Website overlays overview
To start working on a new overlay, choose to:
- Create a new website overlay to start from scratch, or;
- Edit > Duplicate an existing overlay to copy a previous design.
Give your new overlay a name by editing the title and hitting enter on your keyboard:
Titles are handy for searching for your overlay in the dashboard as well as creating segments for ovrerlay interaction.
Now start building a blueprint!
Overlay blueprints are like templates or scratch pads where you can set up content, style, display and timings for your overlay versions.
You can define everything except Stores - that's defined in each version.
Select Edit to start making changes and choose an Overlay type.
You can choose to edit:
You can continue editing each of these areas in each version.
Apply the blueprint design to your versions
To start setting up versions of your overlay to use on your website, Save your blueprint and select Add versions:
You can start editing each version right away to make it unique to each market.
If you make further changes to your blueprint, you can click Apply to versions and choose which of your overlays you'd like to update:
Your overlay versions are the overlays you will set live and display on your website.
Once you've set your versions up and applied any updates from your blueprint, you can also edit:
After your version is set live, you can also see your Analytics.
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