Bazaarvoice is a user generated content (UCG) platform that allows retailers to collect and display product ratings and reviews, questions and answers, sampling, visual and social content, insights, social commerce and social publishing.
When you integrate Ometria with Bazaarvoice you can create automation campaigns in Ometria that generate review links which you can send to your customers.
API keys
To integrate with Bazaarvoice you'll need:
Custom events
Before setting up your integration, raise a request to the Ometria Support Team and ask them to set up a Bazaarvoice review link custom event.
This event collects products and review links from Bazaarvoice so you can use them to trigger campaigns in Ometria.
Webhooks are required for this integration.
Please contact your Customer Success Representative if you aren't already using Ometria's webhook feature.
Setting up a Bazaarvoice connection
In Ometria, go to Settings and select the Connections tab:
Click Add new connection, then select the Bazaarvoice Review Link Generation tile.
The Bazaarvoice integration wizard opens.
Work your way through the steps, completing the following information:
Screen | Field | Description |
Ometria authentication | New authentication dropdown | Enter your Ometria API key. |
Bazaarvoice Service Authentication | New authentication dropdown | Enter your Bazaarvoice API key |
Bazaarvoice Encoding Key | New authentication dropdown | Select the HMAC schema and enter your Bazaarvoice encoding key. |
Client Name | Client Name |
Enter your Bazaarvoice client name. Special characters (i.e. non-alphanumeric characters) must be URL encoded. This means you need to replace characters like !, ? or - with a UTF-8 HTML representation code. |
Site ID | Site ID |
Enter your Bazaarvoice deployment zone ID. If you're using your main site deployment zone, enter "main_site". |
Campaign ID | Bazaarvoice campaign ID |
You can use this value to report on the review source. We recommend using the default: ometria_multi_product_url |
Environment | Environment | Select the Bazaarvoice environment you're connecting to:
Locale | Locale |
Enter the locale used in your Bazaarvoice account. This is the locale included in the review links Ometria collects from Bazaarvoice. |
Sync historical product reviews? | Sync Historical Product Reviews? |
Choose "Yes" to sync your historical product reviews. This sync occurs only once and starts as soon as you hit Finish at the end of this setup wizard.
Be aware: A historical sync can take a long time if you have a lot of products.
Delta Sync Interval | Review Sync Interval |
Enter the number of hours you'd like between regular review syncs. We recommend 24 hours. |
Bazaarvoice Minimum Total Ratings | Minimum Total Ratings |
Enter a minimum acceptable rating. Products with ratings lower than this number (e.g. 3) won't have their top three reviews included in Ometria's product data. |
Webhook URL
In the last screen, copy the Webhook URL and save it somewhere safe.
You'll need this to set up your webhook connection.
Select Finish to complete the connection to Bazaarvoice.
Configure up your webhook
After you've set up your Bazaarvoice connection you can set up your webhook.
Please contact your Customer Success Representative if you aren't already using Ometria's webhook feature.
Follow these steps on setting up a webhook in Ometria and use the following details:
Field | Description |
Connection title | Name your webhook something easy to identify, e.g. "Bazaarvoice Product Reviews Webhook". |
Webhook endpoint URL | Paste in the Webhook URL you saved while setting up your connection. |
HTTP headers |
Enter {"X-Csrf-Token": "[Your Ometria API Key]"} Example: {"X-Csrf-Token": "712ajOhwk8269nai2a7bd089dzbf"} |
Template |
Enter: { |
Save your webhook and click Test to make sure it's working as expected.
Select Update to finalise the configuration.
Create a Bazaarvoice review links campaign
You'll need to set up two separate automation campaigns:
- One to generate a review invitation link, triggered by an order. This uses your webhook to pull through an event from Bazaarvoice.
- One to send the review invitation links to your contacts, triggered by the Bazaarvoice event collected by the webhook.
Generate review invitation links
Create an automation campaign using Contact placed an order as your entry trigger:
Add the action Call webhook to your campaign flow and select the webhook you set up:
Save and publish your campaign.
Now when a contact places an order, the campaign will automatically enter them and generate a review request link via webhook.
Next, set up a separate campaign to send review invitations:
Send review invitations
Your second campaign is for sending the review invitation links you generated in the first campaign.
Create a campaign using the relevant Bazaarvoice review request event as a trigger:
Set up the rest of your campaign as usual.
You can define any wait nodes or segmentation as usual.
Use an email template with the right merge tag for your review invitation link.
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