The information you collect in Ometria for your contacts is tied to a unique label called a merge tag.
You can use these tags to add personalised or dynamic content into your campaigns, e.g. your contacts’ first name, product recommendations, etc.
The availability of merge tags depends on the kind of campaign you are sending.
This page lists the most popular merge tags in Ometria.
See also: Merge tags for timestamps and calculations
Merge tag grouping
Ometria’s merge tags are grouped as follows:
Merge tag type |
Description |
Availability |
message |
Details about the specific message send context (e.g. which campaign it’s in). |
Automation - All channels |
basket |
Details about an abandoned basket if the email is triggered by an abandoned basket event. |
Automation - Abandoned basket trigger |
email |
Details about the specific email send context (e.g. which campaign it's in). |
All emails |
event |
Details about the event if the email is triggered by a custom event. |
Automation - Custom event trigger |
order |
Details about the order if the email is triggered by an order event. |
Automation - Order trigger |
price drop |
Details about a drop in price for a product. |
Automation - Price drop trigger
Details about a single product, |
Automation - depends on context |
profile |
Details about the recipient of the email (e.g. name, lifecycle stage and lifetime value). |
All campaign types and channels |
recommended_products |
Product recommendations attached to this send. |
Automation - if recommendation instance attached |
visit |
Details about the visit if the email is triggered by a visit event. |
Automation - Visit trigger |
Alternative formats
When a merge tag includes a colon (:), e.g. mm:campaign_id, or if it starts with a number, you must use the square bracket [ ] syntax (indexer):
{{['fieldID'] }}
{{ event['fieldID'] }}
See also: Create a custom field
Message tags (Automation campaigns only)
These tags provide details about the specific message send context (e.g. which campaign it's in).
You can use them for all channels, including push notifications and SMS.
{{ message.segment_title }}
The title of the segment the contact passed through.
This is the title you entered when creating the segments, otherwise, “segment-1”, “segment-2", etc. as default (numbered from top to bottom).
This merge tag is not supported for SMS.
E.g. “Active with LTV 1000+”
{{ message.split_title }}
The title of the split test node that the contact passed through. This is “split-A”, “split-B”, etc.
This merge tag is not supported for SMS.
E.g. “split-A”
The title of the
Send node from which the message was sent.
This is the label you entered when setting up the campaign, or “email-node-1”, “email-node-2", “push-node-1” etc. as default.
This merge tag is not supported for SMS.
E.g. “First send”
{{ message.campaign_title }}
Inserts the title of the campaign into the message (with lowercase characters, and replacing all non-alphanumeric characters with underscores).
E.g. “ss18_launch”
{{ }}
Coupon code.
See also: Coupon codes
E.g. "WELCOME-123-456"
Basket tags (Automation campaigns only)
Basket merge tags pull details about an abandoned basket in campaigns where the email is triggered by an abandoned basket event.
Price tags
All price tags should be in the currency of the basket (basket.currency).
If the currency of the basket is not the same as the currency of the products in Ometria’s database, the following tags will not populate:
- {{ basket.products[X].price }}
- {{ basket.products[X].price_raw }}
- {{ basket.products[X].original_price }}
- {{ basket.products[X].original_price_raw }}
This happens when you are using a currency selector on your website, but the currency is not passed as a listing of the product.
In this case, we recommend using basket.products[X].line_total and basket.products[X].line_total_raw instead.
Currency for prices in the abandoned basket.
E.g. GBP
URL to visit the retailer's website and reconstruct the basket.
Value of the basket (formatted with currency).
E.g. £100
Value of the basket (formatted without currency).
E.g. 100
Sum of the line_total values in the basket (formatted with currency).
E.g. £80
{{ basket.subtotal_raw }}
Sum of the line_total values in the basket (formatted without currency).
E.g. 80
{{ basket.matched_products }}
Products added to the basket that match the line item segmentation on the campaign flow.
{{ basket.products[X].quantity }}
Quantity of the product in the basket. E.g. 3
{{ basket.products[X].line_total }}
Total value of the product at position X in the list of abandoned basket products (formatted with currency).
E.g. £50
{{ basket.products[X].line_total_raw }}
Total value of the product at position X in the list of abandoned basket products (formatted without currency).
E.g. 50
SMS automation campaigns only
Note: Most merge tags can be used in both email and SMS campaigns unless otherwise stated. The merge tags below can only be used in SMS campaigns.
The unsubscribe URL for SMS campaigns.
Email tags (automation, broadcast, and transactional)
Preheader text that should be part of the email.
E.g. "Wishing you a safe and merry holiday season!"
{{ email.to_email_address }}
Email address to which the email is being sent. E.g. ""
Email subject line. E.g. "Check out this amazing email!"
The unsubscribe URL. This must be used in a link.
The email preferences URL. This must be used in a link.
{{ email.campaign_identifier }}
Unique ID for this campaign. E.g. "352:ME:4355"
The unique ID for this send. E.g. "0f3fa2ee4c1045e1b979b31ea55397d4"
{{ email.template_title }}
The title of the template that was used (with lowercase characters, and replacing all non-alphanumeric characters with underscores). E.g. "ss18_default_template"
Email tags (broadcast and automation)
{{ email.campaign_title|urlencode }}
Inserts the title of the campaign into the message (with lowercase characters, and replacing all non-alphanumeric characters with underscores). You can also use urlencode on it to make it safe to be used as an url parameter. E.g. "ss18_launch"
Email tags (Automation only)
{{ email.segment_title }}
The title of the
segment the contact passed through.
Deprecated. Please use {{ message.segment_title }}
The title of the
split test node that the contact passed through.
Deprecated. Please use {{ message.split_title }}
The title of the
Send email node from which the email was sent.
Deprecated. Please use {{ message.node_title }}
E.g. "First send"
Email tags (Transactional only)
{{ email.template_title|urlencode }}
The title of the template used for the email.
Only supported for
transactional emails where a 'template_id' is provided.
E.g. "Abandoned Basket V2 Email"
Event tags (Automation only)
The field provided in a
custom event.
Event fields are taken from the properties of the custom event object (as pushed to the
Ometria data API).
Order tags (Automation only)
Line item properties are merged with the properties of the products.
For example: {{ order.products[0].properties }} contains the properties of that product and the properties of the corresponding line item. If the product and the line item have a property with the same name, then the property of the line item is used.
The unique ID for the order.
E.g. "100000640"
The currency for the prices in the order.
E.g. "GBP"
The total value of the order, formatted with currency.
E.g. "£100"
The total value of the order, formatted without currency.
E.g. "100"
The products purchased in the order.
{{ order.matched_products }}
The products purchased in the order that match the conditions of the
entry trigger.
{{ order.products[X].sku }}
The SKU of the product at position X in the list of ordered products (entered when using the orders entry trigger).
E.g. "SHOE103RED45"
Product tags (Automation only)
In the tags below, group can be any of the following:
- basket.products
- order.products
- visit.products
- recommended_products*
[N] is a number starting from 0.
E.g. {{ basket.products[0].title }} is the title of the first product in the basket.
*recommended_products tags are not supported for SMS sends.
The product ID.
E.g. "1049"
{{ group[N].original_price }}
The original price of the product (in case of a promotion, formatted with currency). Maps to the Shopify field 'compare_at_price'.
E.g. "£120"
{{ group[N].original_price_raw }}
The original price of the product (in case of a promotion, formatted without currency).
E.g. "120"
The price of the product (current price, formatted with currency). Maps to the Shopify field 'price'.
E.g. "£100"
The price of the product (current price, formatted without currency).
E.g. "100"
The URL of the product image.
E.g. ""
The title of the product.
E.g. "Pure silk long sleeve top"
The URL of the product.
E.g. ""
{{ group[N].labels.[X] }}
The product's labels (such as "category" or "brand")
E.g. {{ group.products[0].labels.brand }}
{{ group[N].properties.[X] }}
The product's custom fields (for products in an order this also contains the properties of the line item).
E.g. {{ group.products[0] }}
The product SKU.
E.g. SHOE103RED45
Product selector (Broadcast only)
More details on the product selector are available here.
[N] is a number starting at 0.
E.g. {{ products[0].title }} is the title of the first selected product.
The product ID.
E.g. "1049"
{{ products[N].original_price }}
The original price of the product (in case of a promotion, formatted with currency).
Maps to the Shopify field 'compare_at_price'.
E.g. "£120" See Shopify best price.
{{ products[N].original_price_raw }}
The original price of the product (in case of a promotion, formatted without currency).
E.g. 120
The price of the product (current price, formatted with currency).
Maps to the Shopify field 'price'.
E.g. "£100"
{{ products[N].image_url }}
The product image’s URL.
E.g. ""
The product’s title.
E.g. "Pure silk long sleeve top"
The product’s URL.
E.g. ""
{{ products[N].labels.[X] }}
The product's labels (such as "category" or "brand").
{{ products[N].properties.[X] }}
The product’s custom fields (for products of an order this also contains the properties of the line item).
E.g. {{ products[0] }}
Price drop (Automation only)
See also: Create a price drop automation campaign.
The title/name of the product.
{{ product.price_drop_amount }}
The difference in price (after the price drop).
{{ product.price_drop_amount_raw }}
The difference in price after the price drop (formatted without currency).
{{ product.price_drop_currency }}
The currency for prices in the price drop at account level.
{{ product.price_drop_new_price_raw }}
The difference in price (formatted without currency).
{{ product.price_drop_new_price }}
The new price of the product after the price drop.
{{ product.price_drop_percentage }}
The percentage by which the price has dropped.
{{ product.price_drop_previous_price_raw }}
Previous price (formatted without currency).
{{ product.price_drop_previous_price }}
Previous price (with currency).
{{ product.image_url|safe }}
The product image URL. The safe filter is to make sure that the URL doesn't get encoded.
Profile tags (Automation, Broadcast and Transactional)
{{ profile.date_acquired }}
The date the contact was
first acquired as a contact.
E.g. "2020-08-18T17:21:09+00:00"
The contact's first name.
E.g. "John"
The contact's middle name.
E.g. "Silva"
The contact's last name.
E.g. "Smith"
The contact's full name.
E.g. "John Silva Smith"
The contact's email address.
E.g. ""
{{ profile.phone_number }}
The contact's phone number, if known.
E.g. "0123456789"
{{ profile.phone_number_country }}
The country code for the contact's phone number.
E.g. "+44"
The contact's gender.
E.g. "m"
The contact's name prefix.
E.g. "Mr."
The contact’s name suffix.
E.g. "Jr."
{{ profile.date_of_birth }}
The contact's date of birth.
E.g. "1980-01-01"
{{ profile.total_revenue }}
The contact's total lifetime revenue of
valid orders.
E.g. 158.66
{{ profile.marketing_optin }}
The contact's
marketing opt-in status.
E.g. "true"
Subscription opt-in information for
{{ profile.date_of_optin }}
The contact's most recent email marketing opt-in date.
E.g. "2023-01-01"
{{ profile.preferred_lang }}
E.g. "en-GB"
{{ profile.lifecycle_status }}
{{ profile.number_of_orders }}
The contact's total number of
valid orders.
E.g. 3
{{ profile.number_of_attempted_orders }}
The contact's total number of
valid and invalid orders.
E.g. 4
{{ profile.date_of_first_order }}
The date the contact placed their first order.
E.g. "2020-08-18T17:21:09+00:00"
{{ profile.date_of_last_order }}
The date the contact placed their most recent order.
E.g. "2022-08-05T14:20:36+00:00"
{{ profile.number_of_visits }}
The contact's total number of
visits to your site.
E.g. 17
{{ profile.average_order_value }}
The average value of the contact’s
valid orders.
E.g. 45.30
{{ profile.number_of_items_purchased }}
The total number of items the contact had purchased in all
valid orders.
E.g. 7
{{ }}
The contact's
custom fields.
{{ profile.customer_id }}
The contact’s
customer ID.
E.g. "1422"
Ometria's internal
profile ID.
E.g. "2695-c473e2-4aaf58"
store ID of the last store the contact ordered from.
E.g. "20"
The contact's timezone, based on (in priority order) customer listings, transactions, and visits.
E.g. "Europe/London"
{{ profile.segment_ids }}
segment IDs for the segments that contact belongs to.
E.g. "5707"
{{ profile.dt_predicted_next_order }}
E.g. 2024-01-01
Recommended products
This tag is only attached to the email if there was a product recommendation engine selected in the email node.
{{ recommended_products[X].sku }}
The SKU of the product at position X in the list of
recommended products.
This merge tag is not supported for SMS.
E.g. "SHOE103RED45"
Visit tags (Automation only)
The products the contact viewed during the
{{ visit.products[X].sku }}
The SKU of the product at position X in the list of viewed products (entered when using the 'visits'
entry trigger).
E.g. "SHOE103RED45"
The products viewed during the
visit which match the line item segmentation in the campaign flow.
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