Ometria’s customer filter allows you to filter all of your contacts by 76 different metrics and conditions, as well as contact based custom fields.
You can use the customer filter to report on your contacts’ activity, as well as to create and save new segments.
Find the customer filter in any of the following screens:
- Customer > Segment explorer > Filter Customers
- Broadcast Campaigns > Select a segment node > Filter Customers
- Automation Campaigns > Select a segment node > Configure
- Reports >
Select any of the following options from the drop-down:
- everyone (default) - filter on all contacts in your account
- customers - filter on all contacts who have placed at least one order
- leads - filters on all contacts who have not yet placed an order (regardless of subscription status)
Next, choose from:
- Select [segment] who match all of these blocks - the contacts generated will meet all of the conditions you define.
- Select [segment] who match any of these blocks - the contacts generated will meet at least one of the conditions you define, but not necessarily all of them.
Click +ADD CONDITION to start choosing your filters. You can add as many as you need.
Conditions are linked using AND OR logic.
Once you’re happy with your conditions, click Apply filter to update the data on the screen you’re viewing.
You can also select Save as new segment to save your filter as a dynamic or static segment.
Estimate contacts
Once you've set up your filter conditions, you can click the Estimate contacts button to see the estimated size of your segment.
Customer filter conditions
There are four filter categories, which can be used in combination with each other:
Further filtering is available once you have selected your condition.
Customer attributes
Condition |
Description |
Name |
Filter based on the contact's full name. |
First name |
Filter based on the contact's first name. |
Last name |
Filter based on the contact's last name. |
Filter based on the contact's email. |
Customer ID |
Filter based on the contact’s customer ID. |
Customer tag |
Filter based on the tags assigned in the Profile data section on the contact details screen.
Note: You'll need the permission View customer details to use this condition.
Customer belongs to segment |
Filter based on a contacts belonging to a specific segment. |
Customer lifecycle stage |
Filter based on the contact's lifecycle stage.
Note: You'll need the permission View customer details to use this condition.
Customer frequency band |
Filter based on the customer's frequency band. |
Customer value band |
Filter based on the customer's value band. |
Customer email engagement band |
Filter based on the contact's email engagement band. |
Country |
Filter based on a contact's country.
Note: You'll need the permission View customer details to use this condition.
Gender |
Filter based on a customer's gender.
Note: You'll need the permission View customer details to use this condition.
Age |
Filter based on a customer’s age. This is calculated using the customer's date of birth (if known). |
Date of birth |
Filter based on customer’s date of birth. |
Date subscribed |
Filter based on date of subscription (the marketing_optin timestamp). See also: How does Ometria subscribe and unsubscribe contacts? |
Date unsubscribed |
Filter based on date of the contact’s first unsubscription (marketing_optout timestamp). |
Accepts email marketing |
Filter based on email subscription status (subscribed vs. unsubscribed). |
Phone number |
Filter based on phone number pushed to Ometria (phone_number). See also: Preparing your contacts database for SMS |
Phone number country |
Filter based on the phone number's country code. |
Has account |
Filter based on whether the contact has a customer ID associated with their profile. |
Date created in Ometria |
Filter based on the date the contact was created in Ometria (e.g. ingested via form, API, contact upload, etc.) |
Date contact became at risk |
Filter based on the date a contact became 'at risk' of lapsing. |
Date customer became lapsed |
Filter based on the date a contact's lifecycle stage became 'lapsed'. |
Date lead was acquired |
Filter based on the date that the lead was acquired by you - this might have taken place outside of Ometria, e.g. before you started using Ometria. |
Date customer was won back |
Filter based on the date a contact transitioned from 'lapsed' to 'active' again. |
Date customer was saved |
Filter based on the date a contact transitioned from 'at risk' to 'active'. |
Store of customer's last order |
Filter based on the store the customer's last valid order was placed with. |
Store of customer's first order |
Filter based on the store the customer first purchased from. |
Date contact acquired |
Filter based on the date that the contact was acquired by you - this might have taken place outside of Ometria, e.g. before you started using Ometria. |
Date customer will become at risk |
Filter based on the date a customer will transition to 'at risk'. |
Date customer will become lapsed |
Filter based on the date a customer will transition to 'lapsed'. |
Accepts SMS marketing |
Filter based on the contact’s SMS opt-in status:
Accepts push notifications |
Filter based on whether or not the contact has enabled push notifications:
Mobile app installed |
Filter based on whether or not the contact has installed your mobile app to their device. See also: Segment by mobile app installed |
Subscription updated (SMS) |
Filter based on the most recent date the contact changed their SMS opt-in status. See also: Managing SMS marketing preferences |
Date first subscribed (Push) |
Filter based on the first time the contact enabled push notifications. |
Date first unsubscribed (Push) |
Filter based on the first time the contact disabled push notifications. |
Date last subscribed (Push) |
Filter based on the most recent date the contact enabled push notifications. |
Date last unsubscribed (Push) |
Filter based on the most recent date the contact disabled push notifications. |
Language |
Filter based on the contact's preferred language.
Note: You'll need the permission View customer details to use this condition.
Predicted next order date |
Filter based on the predicted date of the contact's next order. |
Customer interacted with an overlay |
Filter based on website overlays contacts have interacted with. This only counts contacts who weren't opted-in before they interacted with your overlay. |
Customer email engagement band (beta) |
Accepts marketing on any channel |
Filter contacts who are subscribed to any of your marketing channels. |
Is an app guest |
Filter to include or exclude guest users from your mobile app. |
Purchase activity
Condition |
Description |
Has placed an order that matches... |
Filter that looks at any order in the customer's order history that matches X condition (choose from drop-down for that specific order).
Note: This filter looks at product attributes at the time the order was processed.
Products interacted with |
Filter looks at products the customer has interacted with, e.g. purchased, viewed, etc. |
Has purchased product with price |
Customer has an order with a line item - this filter looks at the total price for the line item, not the unit price. |
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) |
Sum of all orders for this customer (all time), using the grand_total field. |
Average Order Value (AOV) |
Average of all orders for this customer (all time), using the grand_total field.
Note: AOV in Ometria is calculated with tax included.
Has used coupon code |
Filter looks at whether the customer has used coupon code which is X. |
Has ever used a coupon code |
Filter looks at whether the customer has ever used a coupon code. |
Date of first order |
Filter based on the date of the customer's first valid order. |
Date of last order |
Filter based on the date of the customer's most recent valid order. |
City of last order |
Filter based on the city listed in the billing address of the customer’s last order. |
State of last order |
Filter based on the state listed in the billing address of the customer's last order. |
Postcode of last order |
Filter based on the postcode listed in the billing address of the customer’s last order. |
Country of last order |
Filter based on the country listed in the billing address of the customer’s last order. |
Number of valid orders |
Filter based on the number of orders a customer has with a status of 'valid'. |
Number of attempted orders |
Filter based on the number of valid and invalid orders a customer has. |
Store purchased from |
Filter based on the store a customer has purchased from. |
Web activity
See also: Segmenting contacts by visit
Condition |
Description |
Has made a visit that matches... |
Filter that looks at any visit in the contact's visit history that matches X condition (choose from drop-down for that specific interaction). See also: Visits in Ometria |
First visit captured |
Filters if the source of the customer’s first visit was captured (based on UTMs). See also: Visits in Ometria |
First visit medium |
The medium the contact’s first visit is attributed to, e.g. social, CPC (cost per click), search, referral, etc. |
First visit name |
The name of the source the contact’s first visit was attributed to, e.g. Ometria, Facebook, Google, etc. |
First visit campaign |
The campaign (if any) the contact’s first visit was attributed to. |
First visit domain |
The domain the contact’s first visit was attributed to, e.g.,, etc. |
First visit terms |
The search terms a contact used to arrive at your site on their first visit, e.g. ‘dresses’, ‘red handbag’ etc. |
Date first seen |
Filter based on date the contact first visited the website. |
Date last seen |
Filter based on the timestamp of the most recent visit. |
Number of visits |
Total of visits tracked by the JavaScript tracker. |
Store visited |
Returns contacts that have visited your specified store (at any time in their customer lifecycle), based on the storeID pushed via JavaScript tracker. See also: Contact store |
Email activity
Condition |
Description |
Date of last delivered email |
Filter based on the date of the contact’s last delivered email. |
Date of last opened email |
Filter based on the date of the contact’s last opened email.
Note: This could be either a human open or a pre-opened email.
Date of last clicked email |
Filter based on the date of the last clicked email. |
Date of last bounced email |
Filter based on the date of the last bounced email. This filter counts all bounce types. |
Interacted with a specific broadcast campaign |
Filter based on a contact's interaction with a specific broadcast campaign, including unsent campaigns (future campaigns). When you select more than one campaign here, the filter looks for interactions with any of those campaigns, not all.
Tip: If you choose to filter on non-interactions, e.g. contacts who have not opened a campaign, Ometria will include all contacts who did not open that campaign, including those who were not sent the campaign in the first place. To filter these contacts out of your segment, add an additional condition to your filter, e.g. "Contact received X campaign" AND "Contact did not open campaign". See also: Customer filter: AND OR logic
Interacted with a specific automation campaign |
Filter based on a contact's interaction with a specific automation campaign. When you select more than one campaign here, the filter looks for interactions with any of those campaigns, not all.
Tip: If you choose to filter on non-interactions, e.g. contacts who have not opened a campaign, Ometria will include all contacts who did not open that campaign, including those who were not sent the campaign in the first place. To filter these contacts out of your segment, add an additional condition to your filter, e.g. "Contact received X campaign" AND "Contact did not open campaign". See also: Customer filter: AND OR logic
Received specific broadcast campaign variant |
Filter based on a contact interacting with a specific broadcast variant. |
Custom events
If you have custom events set up for your Ometria account, these also display as filter options.
For example:
- wish list event
- customer requested a brochure
- customer visited an offline store
- customer has visited a specific webpage or has completed a specific action on a website.
See Segmenting contacts by custom event for more information.
See: Create a geo-targeted segment
You can create geo-targeted segments of your contacts based on their location using the customer filter.
‘Which’ filters
Most filters have further options to help define your segments with even more granularity, e.g. Filter based on Customer name:
Select your filter condition, enter a keyword (if required) and select from any of the following:
which is
The filter is limited to a single criterion.
E.g. If you select ‘Customer name which is - Jones’, all contacts with the name ‘Jones’ will meet the filter conditions.
which is not
The filter excludes a single criterion.
E.g. If you select ‘Customer name which is not - Jones’, all contacts whose name is anything but ‘Jones’ will meet the filter conditions.
which is one of
The filter is limited to multiple specified criteria.
E.g. If you select ‘Customer frequency band which is one of - Loyal, VIP’, all contacts whose frequency band is Loyal or VIP will meet the filter conditions.
which is not one of
The filter excludes multiple specified criteria.
E.g. If you select ‘Customer frequency band which is not one of - Loyalty, VIP’, all contacts whose frequency band is anything other than Loyal or VIP will meet the filter conditions.
which contains
The filter contains the term or keyword entered.
E.g. If you select ‘Customer name which contains - Jones’, all contacts whose name includes ‘Jones’ will meet the filter conditions (e.g. ‘Smith-Jones’ will qualify).
which doesn’t contain
The filter does not contain the term or keyword entered.
E.g. If you select ‘Customer name which doesn’t contain - Jones’, all contacts whose name doesn’t include ‘Jones’ will meet the filter conditions.
which starts with
The filter includes contact data which begin with the letters entered.
E.g. If you select ‘Customer name which starts with - Jones’, all contacts whose name begins with ‘Jones’ will meet the filter conditions, i.e. ‘Jones-Smith’ meets the conditions, but ‘Smith-Jones’ does not.
which doesn’t start with
The filter excludes contact data which begin with the letters entered.
E.g. If you select ‘Customer name which doesn't start with - Jones’, all contacts whose name begins with anything except ‘Jones’ will meet the filter conditions, i.e. ‘Jones-Smith’ doesn't meet the conditions, but ‘Smith-Jones’ does.
which is known
The data selected is known by Ometria.
which is not known
The data event selected is not known by Ometria.
Date filters
You can use the Customer filter to create very specific segments based on the date of an event.
For example, by using Date of first order, you can create a segment of all contacts who made their first purchase in the last year.
When you select a date event in the Customer Filter, there are further options to configure and specify your filter.
See also: Segmenting contacts by date
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